If you want to take a look at the gold bullion price anytime today, you’re likely to see some good news. Since the start of the year, the gold bullion price has stayed steadily in the upper eight hundred to mid nine hundred dollar range. most recently, we’ve been staying right in the low to mid nine hundred area.
This has served to quiet many of the critics who, late last year, suspected that the gold bullion price has already peaked, and was likely to crash sometime in 2009. These fears are understandable, but as we’ve seen throughout this year, they’re also misplaced. The basic take on the gold bullion price throughout 2009 has been "so far, so good".
You don’t need to be an expert to know that the gold bullion price will most likely continue to remain strong until the end of the recession, and, hopefully, the new gold investors who are running to the metal as a secure alternative in these times will stay sharp and hold onto their gold investments through this and the next recession.
The bottom line is simply that the gold bullion price has not peaked, and is not likely to have peaked any time soon. What we can do until then is simply keep investing in our favorite coins and bars, and keep one eye on the spot price and the other on financial news.
The dollar is still in fairly rough shape, seemingly losing spending power to other major global currencies with each passing day, and of course, this is a major factor in the rising of the gold bullion price. The primary purpose of gold investing is, again, to safeguard yourself against times like these, against inflation and against the dollar seeing a loss of spending power against the pound and the peso.
Our advice to long time gold investors is simple: If you’ve been holding gold savings for several years, then you’ve no doubt made a nice profit by this point, so trade in one of your smaller coins and treat yourself and a loved one to a nice dinner and a movie, and then sit back and watch the gold bullion price continue to rise, as it most likely will in the coming months. The gold bullion price has not peaked, and it probably won’t any time soon, so you certainly don’t want to cash it all in any time soon, but you may as well take the time to reap the benefits of being a gold investor.
Most importantly, though, hold onto your gold investments and wait and see how far these climbs will go. This is a great time to be a gold investor, and it doesn’t take a well paid analyst to predict that the best is yet to come. Hopefully, all of the new gold investors who have jumped onto the investment during the recession will stay smart and hold onto their coins and bars if and when we do recover from this recession, but we will have to wait and see.
Kenneth Hansen
August 9, 2009
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