January 04, 2011 – Wall Street likes to brand those who promote gold bullion investing with gloom and doom scenarios as lunatics driven by irrational paranoia. But Wall Street and its co- conspirator, the US government, have been deluding us for so long that maybe only a cataclysm will bring us back to our senses.
Decades of fiscal irresponsibility have hit our infrastructure, and in particular the power grid, especially hard. Antiquated equipment that has served well beyond its intended life is still holding much of the grid together, but the price tag for repairs is a prohibitive $1.75 trillion. Barring any catastrophic event the grid will continue its gradual decline until local failures eventually add up to total collapse. But a catastrophic event could bring it down all at once, and there is a distinct possibility that could happen as early as this year.
Imagine life without electricity. After only three days emergency generators would shut down crippling vital life-saving services. Water would no longer flow from our taps. Furnaces and air conditioners would not function. Food would rot in refrigerators and freezers while packaging plants stand idle. Across the country all production would come to a standstill and income would disappear. The possibility of that happening is not remote and it could take years before life gets restored to normal.
Solar Mass Expulsion (SME) poses the single greatest threat to power transmission, and the likelihood of that happening here goes up significantly as a new cycle of solar activity starts this year. If it does there will be little warning and there are no emergency plans to minimize the destruction.
The government can’t deal with the problem so it buried it. That is the lunacy. Investing in gold bullion to carry us through such a calamity is simple common sense.
Jonathan Monroe
Senior Staff Writer - Gold-Bullion.org
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